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Innovation Project Governance: Do's & Don'ts for Every Business Size

In today's dynamic business landscape, innovation is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. But turning bright ideas into successful ventures requires more than just creativity. It demands effective innovation project governance.

Whether you're a small startup, a medium-sized company, or a large corporation, navigating the complexities of innovation projects can be tricky. That's why we've compiled a handy guide of do's and don'ts for every business size to help you steer your innovation initiatives towards success.

For the Small & Mighty Startups:


  • Embrace agility: Use lean methodologies and iterative development to test and refine your ideas quickly.

  • Build a diverse team: Surround yourself with people who bring different perspectives and skillsets to the table.

  • Focus on learning: Don't be afraid to fail fast and learn from your mistakes.

  • Keep it simple: Avoid complex governance structures and decision-making processes.


  • Get bogged down in process: Focus on results, not rigid procedures.

  • Overspend too early: Invest in validation and learning before committing significant resources.

  • Be afraid to pivot: If your initial idea isn't working, be willing to change course.

  • Ignore your customers: Get their feedback early and often to ensure you're building something they need.

For the Mid-Sized Marvels:


  • Establish a clear innovation strategy: Align your projects with your overall business goals.

  • Create a dedicated innovation team: Give your innovation initiatives the focus and resources they deserve.

  • Use data-driven decision-making: Track progress and measure the impact of your projects.

  • Foster a culture of experimentation: Encourage creativity and risk-taking.


  • Let bureaucracy stifle innovation: Streamline your processes and empower your team to make decisions.

  • Fall victim to the "not invented here" syndrome: Be open to external ideas and collaborations.

  • Get stuck in analysis paralysis: Don't overthink, just start doing.

  • Forget about the core business: Keep your innovation efforts grounded in your existing operations.

For the Large & Established Leaders:


  • Build a portfolio of innovation projects: Diversify your bets to mitigate risk and increase your chances of success.

  • Create a governance structure that scales: Adapt your governance approach as your innovation initiatives grow.

  • Invest in talent development: Equip your employees with the skills they need to innovate effectively.

  • Communicate your innovation strategy: Keep everyone informed about your goals and progress.


  • Let politics hinder progress: Focus on meritocracy and objective decision-making.

  • Be afraid to disrupt the status quo: Innovation often requires challenging established norms.

  • Micromanage your innovation teams: Give them the autonomy they need to be successful.

  • Forget about the long game: Don't expect overnight results; innovation is a marathon, not a sprint.


  • Innovation governance is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Adapt these do's and don'ts to your specific context and needs.

  • The key is to find a balance between agility and accountability.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment and learn from your mistakes.

By following these tips, you can set your innovation projects up for success, regardless of your business size. So, go forth, innovate, and disrupt the market!

Bonus tip: Check out these resources for further guidance on innovation project governance:

  • The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen

  • Leading Innovation by Steve Blank

  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy innovating!

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