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Measuring Open Innovation: Frameworks and KPIs

Let's delve into the multifaceted world of measuring Open Innovation! This involves assessing the effectiveness of your efforts to collaborate with external partners for creative solutions. Frameworks and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) provide the tools to navigate this process.


  • The Innovation Funnel: Tracks ideas from generation to implementation, measuring engagement, quality, and success rates at each stage.

  • The Stage-Gate Model: Divides the open innovation process into distinct stages with defined criteria for progression, offering control and focus.

  • The Triple Helix Model: Examines the interaction between universities, industries, and government in fostering innovation, emphasizing ecosystem health.


  • Input Metrics: Measure resources invested, like the number of partnerships formed, events hosted, or ideas submitted.

  • Process Metrics: Track activities and collaboration, like participation rates, communication frequency, and project completion times.

  • Output Metrics: Quantify the results of collaboration, like new product launches, patents filed, or revenue generated.

  • Outcome Metrics: Assess the ultimate impact, like market share growth, brand reputation, or customer satisfaction.

A reminderr: No single framework or KPI is perfect. Choose tools that align with your specific goals, context, and type of Open Innovation activity.


  • Measuring collaboration success: Track project completion rates, joint publications, or joint product launches.

  • Assessing knowledge flow: Monitor external knowledge sources accessed, patents filed, or technology licenses acquired.

  • Evaluating financial impact: Quantify cost savings, new revenue streams, or return on investment (ROI) from open innovation projects.

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