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What is the Stingray Model to Innovation

Updated: Jan 23

The Stingray model is a relatively new, AI-powered approach to innovation developed by Board of Innovation. It aims to improve upon the traditional "Double Diamond" model of innovation by leveraging Generative AI to deliver faster, more practical, and validated solutions. Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

Traditional Double Diamond Model:

  • Phase 1 (Diverge): Focuses on broad exploration and idea generation, often resulting in a large number of unfiltered concepts.

  • Phase 2 (Converge): Narrows down options through selection and refinement, often leaving many promising concepts unexplored due to limited resources.

Source: Board of Innovation

Comparison to the double diamond model:

The traditional double diamond model follows a linear approach, starting with problem identification, then diverging into exploration and convergence phases, and finally ending with prototyping and implementation. The Stingray model, on the other hand, is more iterative and cyclical, with AI-powered tools enabling continuous refinement and validation of ideas throughout the process.

Source: Board of Innovation

Stingray Model:

  • AI-powered: The model leverages Generative AI to automate various tasks in the innovation process, like generating ideas, exploring possibilities, and conducting simulations. This allows for faster iteration and deeper exploration of concepts.

  • Early validation: Unlike the double diamond model, where validation occurs later in the process, the Stingray model emphasizes integrating feasibility, sustainability, and viability considerations into the early stages of ideation. This helps ensure that promising ideas are pursued and less viable ones are discarded quickly.

  • Increased investment confidence: By providing early validation and practical solutions, the Stingray model helps build confidence in the potential of new ideas, making it easier to secure funding and resources for further development.

  • Early feasibility assessment: Integrates AI-powered tools to assess the feasibility, sustainability, and viability of concepts right from the start.

  • Iterative prototyping and validation: Uses AI to generate multiple rapid prototypes and conduct experiments,quickly confirming or discarding ideas.

  • Continuous feedback loop: Learns from data and user feedback throughout the process, enabling constant refinement and improvement of concepts.

Source: Board of Innovation

Key benefits of the Stingray Model:

  • Reduced risk and waste: By evaluating feasibility early, the Stingray model helps avoid investing in ideas that ultimately won't work.

  • Faster validation and time to market: Iterative prototyping and validation allows for quicker confirmation of promising solutions.

  • Increased confidence in investment decisions: Early data-driven insights provide stronger evidence for backing potentially successful innovations.

Source: Board of Innovation

Overall, the Stingray model presents a promising approach to innovation by:

  • Combining human creativity with the power of AI.

  • Focusing on practical solutions and validation through rapid experimentation.

  • Increasing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the innovation process.

It's important to note that the Stingray model is still relatively new and evolving. While it shows promise, there may be limitations and challenges to consider as it's further implemented.

Source: Board of Innovation

Here are some resources for further reading:

I hope this clarifies the Stingray model for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

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